Tips To Help You Break-in Your New Mattress

Tips to Break-in Your Mattress

The Problem

It’s like getting a new pair of shoes when you get a new mattress. On the first few days, your new favorite and pricey shoes nearly always pain your feet. Consider your new mattress to be a pair of new shoes. Both you and your new mattress need some time to adjust and find the ideal level of comfort. You must continue to use the mattress to make it your own, just as you would not stop using your new shoes. There are exceptions, such as if you purchase the incorrect mattress or your needs alter suddenly. But the general rule is to stick to the mattress to derive comfort out of it.

You may have gone through a mattress choosing procedure in a store and had your brand-new bed delivered to your home. Now, you can’t wait to sleep on your new bed; you can’t wait another second. However, as you crawl into bed, you notice something isn’t quite right. This does not feel like the luxurious and comfy bed you tried in the showroom.

Again, a bed-in-a-box mattress takes 4-10 hours to completely inflate after being purchased online. You must keep your expectations in check until then.

Don’t worry; this is a regular occurrence among mattress purchasers. It takes 30 to 90 days on average for most mattresses to properly “break in”. Your new mattress may differ from your previous one, or it may appear rigid due to its newness, making it unpleasant for a while. The mattress materials, like a new pair of shoes, haven’t had time to soften and fit to your body. So, if you’re worried about how to make your mattress softer, take your time!

It also takes some time for your body to adjust to a new bed. Your body was not getting the essential support it required while sleeping if you slept on an outdated or incorrect mattress for years. A new mattress will provide your body the support and comfort it requires to rest completely, but it will take some time for your body to acclimatize.

If you get your new mattress and aren’t as thrilled with it straight away as you hoped, don’t give up just yet – it may simply need some more time to break in.

The Reasons

Before knowing the tips to break-in a new mattress, you must know the reasons for the uneasiness from your new companion. These are:

Off-gassing Odor

Depending on the material used, the off-gassing smell may be the first thing you notice when you get and unwrap your new mattress. A new mattress may generate this stench due to its composition and packaging. Although some off-gassing may still occur, mattress makers are increasingly seeking to use materials that create less of it. You shouldn’t be alarmed because the odor is innocuous and usually dissipates after a few hours. Some mattresses just need to be aired out for a few hours, while others may take up to two days. To totally eliminate it, it is essential that you air out your mattress before placing your sheets on it.

Old Sheets

Your old sheets, which worked well with your old mattress, may not fit-in with the new one and shift around during the night, creating agony. Getting new sheets that are the same size as your new mattress will also help you quickly adapt.

Pain in the Neck and Back

After your first night on your new mattress, you could wake up with a sore neck or back. This might be due to your body being acclimated to the support that your old mattress gave. Due to frequent use, age, and deterioration, your prior mattress most likely did not provide adequate support, and now that your new mattress is adequately supporting your body, you may feel a bit uneasy. If you allow your body enough time to acclimatize to a new mattress and grow completely acclimated to it, there will be no difficulties.

The Way Out: Tips and Tricks to Break-in a New Mattress

Allow the bed-in-a box mattress to expand completely

You’ll have to wait a while if you buy a mattress online that comes in a box. While a mattress takes four to ten hours to decompress, if you have the time, some merchants advocate allowing it 24 to 72 hours.

It was most likely compacted or rolled in a box when it arrived. At the very least, it’s been securely wrapped in plastic. The materials may create an off-gassing odor for a day or two. It may also take some time for your mattress to properly inflate if it was compressed during shipment. Depending on the variety you bought, it might take anywhere from four to 10 hours to expand to its maximum size. Not only would sleeping on it too soon be uncomfortable, but it will also jeopardize the mattress’s ability to expand correctly. Allowing your mattress to air for the first 24 hours without any sheets is useful.

Take things gently

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t enjoy the way your new bed feels straight away. It’s probable that the first time you wore your beloved pair of shoes, you got a blister. Keep in mind that your new mattress may take up to sixty days to feel like home.

Because of the materials’ longevity, the higher the quality, the longer the operation will take, so keep that in mind as you go through it.

Allow time for memory foam to warm up

If you have memory foam, you may not realize that it softens and becomes more malleable as the temperature rises. Keep your bedroom a few degrees warmer than usual if you need to break in a new mattress rapidly. It should make your bed feel more comfortable.

Keep in mind that high temperatures might disrupt your sleep, so this recommendation is a balance. It’ll work best if you’re in a chilly room and were intending on warming it up anyhow.

Put pressure on it

Try walking on the surface of your bed to soften it. This method works well on latex and memory foam surfaces.

Crawl on your hands and knees if your mattress is an innerspring or hybrid variant. The reason for this discrepancy is that when your body weight is concentrated, springs are more likely to buckle or degrade.

If walking over your bed makes you feel uneasy, try stacking books on it instead.

Continue sleeping

You may get unhappy with your new mattress and opt to sleep on the couch or in a guest room. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that regularly using your mattress might hasten the break-in process. You should be able to start enjoying your stuff sooner as a result of this.

Make sure it’s on a solid foundation

Before you set your new mattress on top of it, be sure the two components are suitable. It’s possible that your old foundation is worn out, sagging, or damaged. While you may not always need a new foundation, if it is broken or you’ve switched to a different type of bed, you may need one.

Wait for the full trial period

Before initiating a return or exchange, most brands demand customers to sleep on the material for a specified number of nights. These businesses recognize that it takes time for individuals to adjust to sleeping on something new. They usually offer the greatest amount of time before their customers decide whether they like or dislike their purchase.

Why not give it a go if they recommend sleeping on it for thirty nights before requesting a refund? If you’re concerned about being forced to work without sleep for four weeks or longer, look for a company that doesn’t require this or contact the brand with your worries.

The Break-In Period Varies

Your new mattress may not seem comfortable immediately out of the truck or box. Breaking in a new mattress takes around 30 days. The length of the break-in period will vary depending on the type of mattress you buy:

  • Memory Foam/Hybrid: At least 60 days, however, the higher the memory foam density, the longer the break-in period. It might take anywhere from 30 to 90 days for a hybrid to attain its optimum comfort level.
  • Innerspring: In the range of 30 days.
  • Latex: It might take anywhere from two to fourteen days.

And lastly, be patient and wait a bit for the new mattress to be your true sleep companion!