Bed Size Dimensions

Mattress Size Dimensions in Inches
Twin 39″*75″
Twin XL 39″*80″
Full 54″*75″
Queen 60″*80″
King 76″*80″
Cal King 72″*84″

 Bed Size Dimensions

Varieties of Mattress Size Dimensions are as follows:

Twin Size Mattress

 These mattresses remind us of our childhood (The bunk bed sleepers will surely agree with me!). These mattresses are ideally fit for a single person, as they are slim in size and are convenient to use. The Twin Size mattresses can be easily fit or moved around and are a handy choice if you have kids or frequent guests at home. The ideal people to sleep on these mattresses are solo sleepers, teens or adults less than 6 feet in height.

Twin XL Size Mattress

How many university dorm students here?? These mattresses are a reminder of those days, though they don’t offer much in terms of width, but if you are longer than 6 feet, then definitely some area for you to sleep peacefully. These mattresses are designed to ensure that your feet don’t dangle in the air and you don’t have to curl up while sleeping (unless you are watching a horror flick!!)

Full Size Mattress

An economically priced mattress which is best suitable for growing teenagers or young adults looking to sleep comfortably in a compact space. These mattresses lie in between the Twin XL and Queen mattress, making it more comfortable than the Twin XL mattresses and at the same time not taking up too much of space. The Full size mattresses are ideal for solo sleepers or to be placed in the guest room. These mattresses are also known as Double beds, though people think it to be double the size of  a Twin mattress but virtually it is 16 inches wider and 1 inch longer than it.

Queen Size Mattress

 As the name suggests, Queen Size mattress is appropriate to sleep comfortably, without causing a dent on your pocket. These are one of the most popular options, due to their versatility and can be fit even in limited area. These mattresses are popular amongst couples and singles, who either don’t need too huge an area to sleep on or someone who won’t outgrow the mattress or don’t plan to change the mattress frequently.

King Size Mattress

King denotes luxury and this is what you get when you buy one. It’s nearly double the size of a Twin XL mattress, just imagine the space you will get to enjoy (I know you are already in your sweet dreamland!!). King mattresses are generally available in standard sizes and perfectly suits the needs of a small family (Yes, we mean pets too!!!) There is an option to purchase your King mattress, split in two halves as a Twin XL mattress, if you and your partner wish to sleep separately yet with each other. These beds are made to sit atop two twin box springs joined with each other, which help in easy movement of the mattress across different rooms of the house.

Cal King Size Mattress

These mattresses are a slightly upgraded version of the King it’s basically 4 inches of plus minus (mathematics I know!). The Cal king is 4 inches extra wide and 4 inches smaller than the normal King mattresses. These mattresses can comfortably accommodate a small family, making it a popular choice amongst that segment of buyers. Like the normal King Size mattress, even Cal King mattresses can be adjusted and split into two, if you wish. These mattresses are a good choice if you want all the comforts of a King Size mattress but have a narrower room.